Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Everything is in Spanish

I finally have reliable, fast internet, and so much to write about, and I'm not really sure where to begin.
I expected Mexico to be different. I asked people about it, I looked at pictures, but nothing prepared me for the real thing.

I can't really figure out how to explain it. I have been in Mexico for a week now. In two different places, and those two places are very different from each other. As I write this, I am in Hidalgo my birthplace. It has been really great seeing my family for the first time in so many years. I left when I was very young, so my memories are very vague. But as I walked through my childhood home, things began to come back. It was a very special time.

We also spent some time looking at pictures of my childhood, which was also fun. I am really enjoying my time with family more than in Ciudad Juarez. While i was in Juarez I didn't really go out much, and i didn't talk to too many people. I do have to share that I happened to run into someone i knew from Corvallis. I had only met him once before, but it was the most random thing running into him. I think this helped both of us feel a little more comfortable.

We both noticed the differences in life and culture. For example, driving in Mexico is a completely different experience than in the U.S. People here are in a hurry to get wherever they are going, and they tend to be a little more aggressive. Turn signals seem to be optional most of the time. It has really been an adventure. i think it is all part of the experience.

Ciudad Juarez is not really a nice place. It has a reputation of being a dangerous place, and there was definitely an oppressive feeling in the city.Hidalgo has been a completely different experience all together. The people here are so friendly and nice. Part of my family lives near Tulancingo, which is a big city, and my grandparents live out in the country.

I am looking forward to spending time with them and getting to know them again. They have all been nice and welcoming. I have been able to feel more at ease. I know that even though i don't talk to them very much, i could go to any of their houses at any time, and be well received and treated. That is a good feeling to have.


  1. Alan Iam glad to read that you are having a good time with your family enjoy them. We will keep praying for you.

  2. Keep the blog posts coming, Alan. Do you have any photos? This is so cool for you to be with your people in Hidalgo. We all need to know where we come from to know where we're going. Blessings.
