Sunday, April 29, 2012

One Year Later

Yesterday marked the anniversary of my return from Mexico. I can't believe how fast time has gone by, yet so much has happened in the past year. A new status, a new career path, and an upcoming arrival. Things around us change all the time, but God remains constant in His grace towards us.

Several weeks ago when my wife and I realized that the anniversary was approaching, we mentioned doing something to celebrate. We got busy with other things, and nothing came of it. This week both my brothers had their birthdays, so we had a little family get-together last night. Before that, we headed to Autzen Stadium in Eugene for the Ducks' annual Spring Game. Basically, it was the perfect day.

Oregon weather being what it is, you never know what to expect. When we left our house, it felt like it was going to be a cold, rainy day. As you can see by the picture that wasn't the case. Because admission is free, we got to sit in seats that we can only dream of being in.

The fans have been really great these past few seasons, and these spring games have become great events. There is a fan festival before the game, and they have a canned food drive for a local food bank.

Several years ago the game became a way to honor the troops. They had a flyover for this game, and watching those jets fly over game me goosebumps.The sounds those planes make is incredible. There was a flag ceremony, a moment of silence, jersey exchange with the troops, and a re-enlistment ceremony. Oh, and there was also a football game too.

Jersey exchange with the troops
I say all of that to say this; somewhere between the national anthem and the flyover I had a moment where I had to stop and be thankful for everything that I had. I had forgotten about the anniversary, but it popped into my head at that exact moment. One year ago I became I Permanent Resident of the United States of America.

To top off the day, we headed to my parents' house to celebrate my brothers' birthdays. It was mostly family members in their. We laughed, we talked, we ate, we played music, we ate some more, and we had a great time all-around.

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