Monday, May 22, 2017

Full Circle

Tomorrow, I start studying for the bar which means many more hours in the library for the next couple of months. Still, I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude and to reflect on what has happened in my life.
Seven years ago, my lawyer told me to go to law school. On May 20, 2017 I walked across a stage and received my law degree after three years of very hard work. I will not pretend to be able to articulate what it all means, so I will borrow from something my mom said as we celebrated with friends and family. She handed my wife a bouquet of green and yellow flowers and she told her that none of this would have been possible without her.
Truer words were never spoken. 
I would be a fool to think that I have accomplished any of this on my own. Getting me to and through law school was a team effort. Regardless of what happens from this day on, I am forever indebted my beautiful wife, Shannon. Not only did she agree to this law school thing, but she has made it her mission to support me every single day in more ways than I can even name. I am humbled by her dedication to our little family. Law school has meant putting our lives on hold, going into debt, and countless hours of hard work. She never complained, and she has not even allowed me to second-guess this decision.  
I am also grateful to my parents, Joel and Rosa Duran. They provided the foundation and the guidance that has allowed me to get where I am today.
I am grateful to my beautiful daughter Anaya. Even at her tender age, she is perceptive and she knows that "daddy's school" has been a big part of our lives. One day, I hope she understands that I did it for her.
There are many others that could be named in this post. Extended family, friends, fellow graduates, professors, mentors, teachers, and even detractors. Thank you all!
Besides finishing law school, the past few weeks have brought other important changes to our lives. If you are new to this blog, you should know that I started it to share my experiences as a Mexican immigrant in the U.S. You can go back and read through posts about the process that it took for me to become a legal permanent resident after almost 20 years of living in the country as an undocumented immigrant. On May 17th, several days before graduating law school, I became an American citizen.
All of this began in the immigration law offices of Raquel Hecht. Not only did she take my immigration case, but she also encouraged me to do something that I never thought was possible. Law school was not on my radar when I walked into her office 7 years ago, but that changed when she looked at me and said, "You should go to law school." A life changing moment, and one that has motivated me to work hard and to continue to be an advocate for those who need it. Thank you, Raquel.

También me gustaría mandar un saludo especial a mi familia en Mexico y en otros lugares. Quiero que sepan que siempre están en mi mente y en mi corazón. Los quiero mucho y los extraño mas de lo que puedo expresar. Todos ustedes son parte de lo que acabo de lograr porque forman parte de la persona que soy. Reciban un fuerte abrazo de nosotros. Esperamos verlos muy pronto.
From Tulancingo, Hidalgo Mexico to Eugene, Oregon; we have come full circle.
Full Circle 

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