Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Aimless Musings of a Chronic Insomniac

Its 4:04 a.m and I cannot get to sleep. It might have something to do with the rather strong cup of coffee that I had earlier, but I don't want to jump to any conclusions. This was a serious cup of "joe" and I am paying the consequences for drinking it so late at night.  If you are reading this you are also paying the consequences. Misery seeks company. My mind is racing a million miles an hour, and this is my attempt to pull it over so I can get some sleep.

I have been thinking about the direction I want this blog to take. I am considering becoming an English major when I transfer to a four-year school, and I have realized that I need to practice my writing. I have several writing assignments during the week, and when I compare my writing to that of my peers I feel that I can definitely improve. I know that I shouldn't compare myself to them, but they just sound so smart.

I listen to my classmate's writing, and I can't feel but feel like my writing is slightly inferior to theirs. I know that I shouldn't compare myself to them, but its human nature. On the other hand, sometimes I think that they have way too much spare time on their hands, and if they were such great writers they would be making a living as writers, not merely studying writing at LBCC. They really enjoy their own writing, and talking about their writing. That is the insomniac talking.

Writing about immigration comes naturally to me. I feel passionate about it, so when the topic comes up I have no shortage of things to say. I read news articles on the matter, and my mind begins to race about what I would write on the topic. I listen to political talk radio, and I hear things that make me want to express myself through the majesty of writing. It is a good way to vent too, because this issue frustrates me sometimes. Especially, when politicians play "hot-potato" with the issues, but that topic is for a different post. Or the next bout of insomnia. Whichever comes first. 

There are literally thousands of things to write about. Even when I am supposed to be working on writing for school, I am thinking about various subjects to blog about. I always see or hear things that get my attention, or make me think, and I want to share them with you. I need to get into the habit of writing more often to develop my style, and build an audience. Like most writers I think my ultimate goal is to have a publisher read my blog, love it, and give me a gazillion dollars to write a book. Then I would be on Oprah, and I would not have to depend on student loans to get through school. Once again, that is the insomniac talking.

I have big plans for this blog, and for other blogs. I am learning to enjoy writing for the sake of writing, and if anyone enjoys reading it, that just makes it better. In fact, I enjoy it so much that I just realized I could be doing homework right now. Oh well.

If you are still with me, I hope my ramblings have not confused you too much. I enjoy having this creative outlet, and I like hearing from my readers. All thirteen of you. I enjoy hearing from you, and if you like what you read, share it with your friends. Even if you disagree with my radical political views. Maybe I can help you see things from a different point of view, or maybe I can inspire you to express yourself in your own way.

Or maybe I will just cure your insomnia.

P.S. I think I'm going to wait to post this until I get some sleep. It all makes sense to my sleep deprived mind now, but who knows how it will read in the morning.

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